Friday, October 9, 2009

LinkedIn Group: White House subgroup on Health Care

The White House now has a subgroup called "Health Care" on LinkedIn.

I'm very impressed by how President Obama is leveraging social media to reach out to the public and to interact with both consumers and healthcare professionals. It's unfortunate that so few physicians are engaging social media. Physicians simply don't understand how social media should be used. They're busy, many are not tech-savvy, and they don't want to be bothered by things like Twitter. I often hear physicians ask, "what's Twitter?"

So, let's hope that we see some productive conversations on LinkedIn as professionals and consumers discuss health care issues in this new group. I hope you will join me on LinkedIn in this health care group. Special thanks to Brian Ahier for bringing this group to my attention.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr. Kim for mentioning me in your blog. There is some exciting opportunity leveraging social media at the intersection of healthcare and government. I have started a discussion on medical malpractice reform at the Whitehouse Healthcare group on LinkedIn.
