Friday, September 25, 2009

e-Learning in the world of medical education

So much continuing medical education (CME) now occurs via e-learning technologies. It's so convenient to view activities on your computer, your smartphone/PDA, or even to listen to audio programs on an MP3 player like an iPod. It's easier than ever to stay current on medical news, clinical updates, and much more thanks to computing technology.

How do you leverage e-learning technologies? It's hard to imagine how you could keep up with all the safety alerts, the FDA warnings, clinical breakthroughs, and other important medical news without modern technology. Have you tried listening to some educational podcasts on your iPod? How about live webcasts?

Reports from the ACCME  (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) have shown that the uptake of e-learning for CME continues to climb each year. Now that travel costs are so high, fewer physicians are traveling to major medical meetings. Instead, they are learning through their computers.


  1. Dr. Kim,

    You have pointed out one of the emerging issues of elearning. At the paramedic level there are numerous (and growing options) for elearning from local, regional, state, and national organizations. Elearning is being developed and delivered by hospitals, community colleges, professional associations, ambulance service companies, and commercial vendors. There is wide variety in delivery format, accreditation, quality, and consumer preference for elearning programs.

    As for leveraging elearning for paramedics my recommendations include:
    1) selecting elearning based on your current and specific needs. There is a difference between continuing education to expand your knowledge and refresher education to renew your knowledge.

    2) completion reporting that feeds into online database for maintaining professional credentials.

    3) choosing elearning that harnesses the power of the microprocessor. Too much elearning is still static HTML text. Developers need to focus on content creation that invites user interaction and even immersion in the learning process.

    4) community driven elearning development and participation with social media and social networks.

    5) finally elearning participation that engages the patient care team. Doctors learning independent of the other professionals that care for the patient is no better than paramedics doing the same. elearning should engage providers at the points where assessment and treatment interfaces occur.

  2. yeh your knowledge about the e learning is really emerging and i hope it will be beneficial and become common afterward because it is a convenient way to get the knowledge and you can communicate a large no of people with in a single click so in my point of view we must be promote this concept because its an effective tool and the necessity of the time.
    i am saying like this because with the e learning you can learn from different topics in single moment like let me share my personal experience.
    reticently i complete my thesis on the topic of the tubal reversal so first let me tell you about the tubal reversal A tubal reversal is a procedure to undo a tubal ligation, which is the surgical sterilization of a woman. Also known as tubal reanastomosis, the route is usually performed when circumstances have changed and a woman wishes to have a child.In women of childbearing age, one egg (ova) from an ovary moves into the fallopian tube each month. There, the egg can be fertilized by a man’s sperm produced in ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Once the egg has been fertilized, it travels down into the uterus (the hollow, muscular cavity in a woman’s pelvis) and implants in the uterine wall, where it develops into a fetus. In a tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are separated or sealed shut to prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg.Each year, about 17 percent of U.S. women aged 15 to 44 years have a tubal ligation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In some cases, a woman may change her mind and decide to have the procedure reversed. Common reasons for seeking a tubal reversal include change in marital status, death of an offspring or husband, or young age at the time of the procedure (e.g., younger than age 30). In the past, tubal reversal more often than not destined major surgery. However, advances in surgical techniques now make outpatient surgery an option for many women.
    this is all about the tubal reversal for the completion of my thesis i engaged with different websites to get the knowledge it is also a type of E learning.....
