Medical students are often asking: how should I select a PDA and/or smartphone?
I currently use an XV6800 with Verizon, but if I were on AT&T, I'd probably switch to the Treo Pro.
When you look for a PDA and/or smartphone:
1. Always get a touch screen device so that you can effectively run important applications such as epocrates.
2. Go for Windows Mobile. the Palm OS has been dying a slow death.
3. Get a device that has Wi-Fi. This way, even if you don't purchase a data plan, you can still use your PDA/phone in the hospital during your rotations.
4. Get a built-in hardware keyboard. Here is where the iPhone falls short. When you're using certain applications, it really helps to have an actual keyboard.
5. Get something where you can easily remove the battery. Once again, here is where the iPhone falls short. During some of your overnight rotations, you may want to have a spare battery with you - since you may never get the chance to plug your phone in and charge it.
I am partial to having a PDA, the Palm Tx in particular. It has wifi and expandable memory up to 4gb*. It's been a secret weapon on my clinical rotations. There is an abundance of medical software that is run on palm Os.