Monday, February 8, 2010

Meet me on Wed (March 2) at the Meet the Bloggers session at #HIMSS10

If you're attending HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) this year in Atlanta, Georgia, then make sure to swing by the Social Media Center on Tuesday March 2 and say hello from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. I'll be participating in the "Meet the Bloggers" session and I look forward to meeting some of you.

I was invited to participate last year in "Meet the Bloggers," but I couldn't make it out to Chicago.  Last year, the "Meet the Bloggers" was part of the HIMSS Tech Lab. Considering that the buzz word/phrase these days is "Social Media," I'm glad to see that HIMSS has properly named a section the Social Media Center. Here's some more information about that center:
The Social Media Center is the destination to explore and connect with HIMSS Groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Attendees will meet industry bloggers, make new health IT connections, and maximize their networking activities at HIMSS10 and beyond. Educational sessions range from basic social media use to more advanced topics in this emerging space. Attendees can stop by for one-on-one discussion and instruction when center sessions are not in progress. Also, be sure to have a photo taken in the center’s HIMSS Fan Page Photo Booth.
You can get more information about Meet the Bloggers here:

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