Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Technology in medicine

The keyword (or phrase) "technology in medicine" is currently the #1 keyword that is causing people to visit my site from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

What are people looking for when they type "technology in medicine" into a search engine? Maybe they're interested in the following topics:
  • health information technology (or health IT)
  • advances in medical technology
  • technology and medicine (or medicine and technology)
  • health sciences and technology (Harvard MIT HST)
Have you noticed how the word "health" is starting to replace the word "medical" in many different circles? For instance, fewer people are talking about electronic medical records and more people are talking about electronic health records. Or, the focus is shifting from medical informatics to health informatics. No longer medical professionals, but health care professionals. I'm glad to see that we're being more inclusive by using the word "health" instead of "medicine." Even though I have a medical degree, I also have a public health degree. So both terms (medical and health) are very relevant to me.

Technology in medicine continues to be a very popular topic these days because of all the changes that are occurring in clinical research, drug development, patient care, diagnostics, patient health records, hospital work flow, patient safety, and much more.

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