Donald E. Moore Jr., PhD from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has outlined a framework for the assessment of continuous learning and traditionally this has been presented as a pyramid consisting of 6 different levels:
- Participation
- Satisfaction
- Learning
- Performance
- Patient health
- Population health
Earlier this year, Moore published a paper titled, "Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: Integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities." Here, he makes some modifications to this six-level framework and we now have 7 levels for CME outcomes measurements. The main changes are:
• Level 3 is now broken up to 3A and 3B
- 3A = Declarative knowledge
- 3B = Procedural knowledge
• Performance is now Level 5 (used to be Level 4)
• And Level 6 “population health” was renamed “community health”
So, here’s the new 7-level pyramid for CME outcomes measurements:
1. Participation
2. Satisfaction
3. Learning
3A = Declarative knowledge
3B = Procedural knowledge
4. Competence
5. Performance
6. Patient health
7. Community Health
Moore DE Jr, Green JS, Gallis HA. Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities.J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2009 Winter;29(1):1-15.
Do you think that this framework can be applied in other professional domains? Let's say a support role that is non-medical or clinical, but supports the training of healthcare teams? Why or why not?