Friday, August 21, 2009

Physicians discussing salaries on Sermo

Sermo is an online physician-only community. There, physicians get to talk about anything ranging from politics and sports to clinical conundrums. One of the latest discussions involves someone asking "are physicians underpaid?" Physicians seem to get drawn to discussions about salary. Of course, if you're a subspecialist making a generous salary, then $200-$300 k may seem "average" if you're making much more than that. For some primary care providers or academic physicians, an annual salary of $150 k may seem "very generous." It's so interesting to read different perspectives on this topic because salary is very regional. Also, many physicians earn supplemental income by consulting for pharmaceutical companies (although we may see less of this in the near future).

It made me wonder: if you're a patient, would your perspective of your physician change if you knew how much he/she made?

1 comment:

  1. "It made me wonder: if you're a patient, would your perspective of your physician change if you knew how much he/she made?"

    Salary would not change my perspective; I think most patients assume "doctors and lawyers make a lot of money", whether that is true or not.

    However, my perception of one specialist definitely changed when he gave me information that revealed he was paid by the maker of a drug that I had refused. I felt that my sense that he had been 'pushing' it was confirmed.
